Physics of Particle Accelerators
Spring 2011
Accelerator Physics
G. A. Krafft and T. Satogata
Fall Term, Hampton University, Hampton, VA
Lecture 1 EM Forces and Historical Introduction:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 2 Betatrons and Transverse Stability:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 3 Linear Optics:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 4 Phase Stability/Synchrotron Motion:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 5 Magnetic Multipoles:
Alex Bogacz
Lecture 6 Nonlinear Effects:
Hisham Sayed
Lecture 7 Coupled Motion 1:
Alex Bogacz
Lecture 8 Coupled Motion 2:
Alex Bogacz
Lecture 9 Synchrotron Radiation:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 10 Radiation Distributions:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 11 X-ray Sources/ FELs:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 12 Particle Acceleration:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 13 Spin/ Spin Manipulation:
Hisham Sayed
Lecture 14 Statistical Effects:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 15 Collective Effects:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 16 Beam-Beam Forces:
Geoff Krafft
Lecture 17 Radiation Damping:
Alex Bogacz
Lecture 18 Touschek lifetime:
Hisham Sayed
Lecture 19 Beam Cooling:
Geoff Krafft (Gerry Dugan)
Final Exam