
Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators

 CASA Seminars

2003 Beam Physics and CASA Seminars

12/19/03 No Seminar - Happy Holidays!
12/12/03 CASA Serminar Superconducting RF in the Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac - Challenges and Solutions (slides) Matthias Liepe, Cornell University
12/11/03 Joint CASA - SRF Institute Seminar
A UK Initiative for RF Source Development (slides when available)
David Wilcox, E2V Technologies, UK
12/11/03 Joint CASA - SRF Institute Seminar
Inductive Output Tubes for Driving SRF Accelerators (slides)
Steve Aitkin, E2V Technologies, UK
12/05/03 No Seminar
11/28/03 No Seminar - Happy Thanksgiving!
11/25/03 Special Beam Physics Seminar
Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Crystal Growth, Structure, and Properties (slides)
Angus Rockett, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
11/21/03 No Seminar
11/14/03 Filling the Terahertz Gap (slides) Gwyn Williams, FEL/LIght Sources
11/07/03 The two- stream transverse instability and beam performance limitation (slides ) Vadim Dudnikov, Brookhaven Technology Group, NY
10/31/03 No Seminar
Happy Halloween!
10/24/03 No Seminar
10/17/03 Highlights of FEL 2003 Conference (slides) Stephen Benson, FEL, JLab
10/10/14 Joint CASA - SRF Institute Seminar
4GLS and Daresbury ERL Prototype (slides)
Mike Dykes, Daresbury Lab, UK
10/10/03 Joint CASA - SRF Institute Seminar
Highlights of SRF 2003 Conference (slides)
Peter Kneisel, SRF Institute, JLab
10/03/03 Luminosity Concepts and Issues of the Electron-Light Ion Collider (Part II) (slides) Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA
09/26/03 Luminosity Concepts and Issues of the Electron-Light Ion Collider (slides) Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA
09/19/03 No Seminar!
09/12/03 No Seminar!
09/05/03 Ponderomotive Broadening (slides) Geoffrey Krafft, CASA
09/02/03 Special Beam Physics Seminar
Small Isochronous Ring (SIR) Project at NSCL (slides)
Eduard Pozdeyev, Michigan State Univerity
06/27/03 Joint CASA - SRF Institute Seminar
Highlights of TESLA TTF Meeting in Frascati (Sekutowicz's slides)
Jacek Sekutowicz and Michael Tiefenback, JLab
06/19/03 Simulations and Observations of Beam-beam effects at the Tevatron in Fermilab (slides) Meiqin Xiao, Fermilab
06/13/03 CASA Serminar Beam Lines and Phase Space in Tracking Codes (slides) Etienne Forest, KEK,
06/6/03 Highlights of International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics, Japan Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA
06/3/03 Selected Topics of Theory and Experiment on the Space-Charge-Dominated Beam Physics (slides) Yun Zou, U. of Maryland
05/30/03 Seminar Cancelled!
05/23/03 CASA Serminar Emittance Compensation in High Brightness RF Photoinjectors: an introduction with some applications (slides) Massimo Ferrario,
05/16/03 No Seminar! PAC 2003
05/09/03 Dry Run for PAC'03 Talks
05/02/03 Dry Run for PAC'03 Talks
04/25/03 No Seminar!
04/18/03 Happy Easter!
04/11/03 CASA Serminar Longitudinal Density Monitoring (slides) Max Zolotorev,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
04/04/03 Roundtable discussion of the CEBAF-ER Experiment (slides) Alex Bogacz, et al.,
03/28/03 No Seminar
03/21/03 CASA Serminar Experiences with the beam-beam effect at HERA (slides) Georg H. Hoffstaetter,
Cornell University
03/20/03 Present status and future plans of the KEK Photon Factory (slides) Shogo Sakanaka,
Photon Factory, KEK
03/14/03 Design of a new material for high-efficiency spin-polarized electron source (slides) Anderson Janotti,
Oak Ridge
03/07/03 Status of the Thomson X-ray program (slides) Jim Boyce, JLab
02/24/03 Status of the IASA RaceTrack Microtron Facility � the 10 MeV CW injector linac (slides) Andreas Karabarbounis, University of Athens
02/21/03 Synchrotron Light Interferometer at Jefferson Lab (slides) Pavel Chevtsov, JLab
02/14/03 Whither SL21 and NL11 will Take us (slides) Leigh Harwood, JLab
02/07/03 Highlights of Beam Stabilization Workshop (slides) Y. Chao, CASA, JLab
01/31/03 CASA Serminar Beam Physics at the APS (slides) Katherine Harkay, APS, Argonne
01/24/03 Highlights of Remote Operations Workshop (slides) Michael Spata & Andrew Hutton, JLab
01/21/03 Do We Need Better Synchrotron Light Sources? (Slides Part 1, Part 2) Andreas Magerl, Univ. of Erlangen-N�rnberg
01/16/03 CASA Serminar Recent Developments in Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (slides) Robert Warnock, SLAC
01/10/03 The Cancellation Effect in the Dynamics of Relativistic Beams on a Curved Trajectory (paper) Rui Li, CASA, JLab

For more information, please contact Dr. Alex Bogacz, Chair of CASA Seminar Committee

For more information, please contact Dr. Alex Bogacz, Chair of CASA Seminar Committee