November |
11/26/04 |
No Seminar
11/19/04 |
No Seminar |
11/12/04 |
Highlights of ICFA Workshop on High Intensity & Brightness Hadron Beams (slides when available) |
Yaroslav Derbenev
11/05/04 |
Physical Optics Methods and Software for Synchrotron Radiation Wavefront Calculations (slides when available) |
Oleg Chubar,
Soleil Synchrotron Lab, France |
11/01/04 |
Special Beam Physics Seminar
Coherent Bremsstrahlung studies at YerPhi (including CERN experiments) (slides) |
Robert Avakian,
Yerevan Institute of Physics, Armenia |
October |
10/29/04 |
Ultrafast Demagnetization Of Ferromagnetic Iron Films Studied By Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy (slides) |
David Hilton
10/22/04 |
No Seminar |
10/15/04 |
Recent Developments at the Brookhaven SDL (slides) |
Brian Sheehy
National Synchrotron Light Source |
10/08/04 |
Generation and Cooling of Positrons (slides when available) |
Alex Artamonov
10/01/04 |
Simulation, Measurement and Analysis of Photoemission from Dispenser Cathodes, Metals and Coated Materials (slides) |
K. Jensen,
Naval Research Laboratory |
September |
09/20/04 |
1.5 GeV FFAG Proton Accelerator as a New Injector to the BNL-AGS (Slides) |
Alessandro G. Ruggiero,
09/17/04 |
Analysis of the Longitudinal CSR Force at the Cross-Over of The Full Compression In a Magnetic Chicane (slides when available) |
Rui Li
CASA, JLab |
09/10/04 |
Highlights of 2004 FEL Conference (slides) |
Carlos Hernandez-Garcia
JLab |
09/03/04 |
No Seminar |
August |
08/23/04 |
Special Beam Physics Seminar
Longitudinal Beam Physics Experiments at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (slides) |
John H. Harris,
U. of Maryland |
July |
June |
06/29/04 |
Special Beam Physics Seminar
Lawbreakers? The Physics of Superluminal Sources (slides) |
John Singleton,
Los Alamos National Lab |
06/25/04 |
How To Simulate Beam Breakup due to Higher Order Modes in the Presence of Lasing - or - There and Back Again, a TDBBU tale (slides) |
Kevin Beard
JLab |
06/18/04 |
Cyclotrons: from Classic to FFAG (Slides) |
Rick Baartman,
06/11/04 |
No Seminar |
06/04/04 |
No Seminar |
May |
05/28/04 |
Multi-moded Pulse Compression Systems for Linear Colliders and Other RF Systems (Slides) |
Sami Tantawi,
05/21/04 |
Highlights of Beam Instrumentation Workshop (slides) |
Arne Freyberger, John Musson, Chris Tennant
JLab |
05/14/04 |
No Seminar |
05/10/04 |
Radiation Source ELBE at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf Status and SRF gun activities (slides)
(note: different date and time!!!) |
Peter Michel,
FZ Rossendorf, Germany |
05/07/04 |
No Seminar |
April |
04/30/04 |
No Seminar |
04/26/04 |
Muon Acceleration in FFAG Rings (slides) |
Eberhard Keil,
04/23/04 |
No Seminar |
04/16/04 |
No Seminar |
04/09/04 |
No Seminar, HAPPY EASTER! |
04/02/04 |
No Seminar |
March |
03/29/04 |
Developing tools for high energy spin physics experiments (Spin flipper rf dipole magnet and ultra-cold polarized Hydrogen gas jet target) (slides) |
Katsuya Yonehara,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago |
03/26/04 |
Time Characteristics of the Beam for CLAS Experiments (slides) |
Hovannes Egiyan,
Hall B/JLab |
03/19/04 |
PrimEx: Measurement of the π0 Lifetime (slides) |
David Lawrence,
University of Massachusetts |
03/12/04 |
Self Consistent Space Charge Distributions: Theory And Applications (slides) |
Viatcheslav Danilov,
03/05/04 |
No Seminar |
February |
02/27/04 |
No Seminar |
02/23/04 |
Current Status of the 1.5 GeV Taiwan Light Source in NSRRC (slides) |
June-Rong Chen,
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan |
02/20/04 |
ERL-based X-ray source: promises and challenges (slides) |
Ivan Bazarov,
Cornell University |
02/13/04 |
Collective Beam-Beam Effects In Hadron Colliders (slides) |
Jack Shi,
University of Kansas |
02/06/04 |
RF Control for the DESY UV FEL (slides) |
Stefan Simrock,
January |
01/30/04 |
The LCLS X-Ray FEL and Related R&D at the SPPS (slides) |
Paul Emma,
01/16/04 |
The Small Isochronous Ring project at NSCL: first experimental results (slides) |
Eduard Pozdeyev,
CASA, JLab |
01/09/04 |
No Seminar |