Special Beam Physics Seminar
The emission of electromagnetic radiation from a superluminal
(faster-than-light in vacuo) charged particle was first studied by
Sommerfeld in 1904. However, the Special Theory of Relativity was
published just a few months later; prevailing scientific opinion then
effectively curtailed the research field until Ginzburg and coworkers
pointed out in the 1980s that no physical principle forbids emission by
extended, massless superluminal sources. A polarization current density
(dP/dt; see Maxwell's fourth equation) can provide such a source; the
individual charged particles creating the polarization do not move faster
than the speed of light, and yet it is relatively trivial to make the
envelope of the polarization current density to do so.
Based on this idea (originally derived as a model for pulsars), the author
and coworkers H and A Ardavan have constructed and demonstrated a machine
(the Polarization Synchrotron) for animating superluminal polarization
currents. The emitted electromagnetic radiation has several intriguing
features; e.g. there is a component with an intensity that decays as
1/distance, rather than as the inverse square law, and the simultaneous
spherically-decaying emission shows a fixed angular width out to hundreds
of Fresnel distances. To reproduce the latter characteristic, a
conventional antenna would have to be many, many times larger in area than
the Polarization Synchrotron.
This talk will give a simplified description of the theory of superluminal
sources. A particularly important point is that the radiation detected by
a point-like observer over a short time period in his/her inertial frame
can correspond to emission over an extended period of source time. This
becomes especially marked with a rotating superluminal source (like the
Polarization Synchrotron), where a volume of the source can approach the
observer at the speed of light with zero acceleration; under such
conditions, the emission from this volume is effectively coherent (i.e.
like a laser, although the mechanism is completely different). The
predictions of theory will be shown to account for the recent experimental
data obtained from the Polarization Synchrotron.
The "Lawbreakers" part of the title is a quotation from an article in the
"Economist" magazine about the Polarization Synchrotron. In spite of the
(at first sight) surprising nature of some of the data, no physical laws
are broken by the machine; it should merely be thought of as an
experimental implementation of a little-considered problem in
electrodynamics or as a ground-based astronomy experiment!
(Two papers on the theory of superluminal sources have been published in
J. Optical Society of America A; these, and an experimental preprint may
be found under the name "Singleton" at the xxx.lanl.gov server. This
lecture will be only the third public showing of the experimental data
from the Polarization Synchrotron and will present new data not previously
Talk Slides:
( slides)