December |
12/20/02 |
No Seminar |
12/13/02 |
High-Pressure RF Cavities and Muon Accelerators (slides) |
Rolland Johnson, Muons, Inc |
12/06/02 |
Seminar Canceled |
12/03/02 |
The 4GLS Energy Recovering Light Source Program at Daresbury Laboratory (slides) |
Elaine Seddon, Daresbury Laboratory |
November |
11/29/02 |
No Seminar - Happy Thanksgiving! |
11/22/02 |
Superstructures (slides) |
Jacek Sekutowicz, JLab/DESY |
11/15/02 |
Table-top Laser Driven Accelerator Research at LBNL (slides) |
Wim Leemans, LBNL |
11/08/02 |
Operation of the SLS Using CORBA Based Beam Dynamics Applications (slides) |
Michael Boege, PSI |
11/01/02 |
No seminar - Happy Halloween! |
October |
10/25/02 |
Heavy-Ion Beam Dynamics in the RIA Accelerators and Development of RT Accelerating Structures for the RIA (slides) |
Petr N. Ostroumov, Argonne |
10/23/02 |
Next Linear Collider Beam Position Monitors: What�s Novel, Challenging, or Extreme? (slides) |
Steve Smith, SLAC |
10/18/02 |
Seminar Canceled |
10/11/02 |
Highlights of FEL 2002 Conference (slides) |
Steve Benson, JLab |
10/04/02 |
The Sextupole Scheme for the Swiss Light Source (SLS): An Analytic Approach" (papers) |
Johan Bengtsson, Schlumberger |
September |
09/27/02 |
Sources of Polarized Light Ions for the EIC (slides) |
Vladimir P. Derenchuk, Indiana Univ. Cyclotron Facility |
09/20/02 |
Observations From LINAC 2002 (slides) |
Leigh Harwood
JLab |
09/13/02 |
No Seminar |
09/06/02 |
Neutrino Factory - Beam Dynamics of Muon Acceleration (slides) |
Alex Bogacz
CASA, JLab |
August |
July |
07/19/02 |
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation: Theory and Experiments (slides, paper) |
Court Bohn
Northern Illinois Univ. |
June |
06/21/02 |
Beam Physics at Run IIA Tevatron Commissioning (slides) |
Valeri Lebedev
Fermilab |
06/14/02 |
Transverse Self-fields within an Electron Bunch Moving in an Arc (slides) |
Gianluca Geloni
06/11/02 |
Femtosecond Studies of Photoinjector Beam Physics (slides) |
William Graves
Brookhaven National Lab |
06/05/02 |
Future Directions of Muon Science - Fusion Energy, Life Science and Disasters Prevention (slides) |
Kanetada Nagamine
Meson Science Lab, KEK |
May |
05/31/02 |
Recent experimental investigations at the VISA SASE FEL (slides) |
James Rosenzweig
05/30/02 |
Manipulation and diagnosis of sub-ps electron beams (slides) |
James Rosenzweig
05/24/02 |
Beam Diagnostic with Coherent Transition Radiation for High-Brightness Racetrack Microtron Injector (slides) |
Alexander Chepurnov
Moscow State University |
05/17/02 |
No Seminar |
05/10/02 |
The FMT Induction Accelerator Module |
Ernest Zaidman
FM Technologies |
05/03/02 |
Enabling the Global Accelerator Network (slides) |
Karen S. White
JLab |
April |
04/26/02 |
No Seminar |
04/19/02 |
Visible Light Diagnostics from the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak (slides) |
Benjamin L. Welch
Dilon Technologies |
04/12/02 |
Measurements of Halo Generation in an Intense Proton Beam (slides) |
Patrick L. Colestock
Los Alamos National Lab. |
04/10/02 |
Terahertz Research at the University of Virginia: An Overview (slides) |
Thomas W. Crowe
Univ. of Virginia |
04/05/02 |
SwarmC: simulating the beam-beam interaction for a Linac-Ring Electron-Ion Collider (slides) |
Kevin B. Beard
CASA, JLab |
March |
03/29/02 |
03/22/02 |
Electron Beam Polarization Measurements using the Hall B Moller Polarimeter (slides) |
Kyungseon Joo
JLab |
03/15/02 |
The PEP-II B-Factory - Performance and Accelerator Physics (slides) |
Uli Wienands
03/08/02 |
Overview of Present Status of CSR Studies (slides) |
Rui Li
CASA, JLab |
03/01/02 |
The Next Linear Collider Design (slides) |
Tor Raubenheimer
February |
02/22/02 |
Dry Run for Cornell ERL Proposal Review (slides Part A, Part B) |
Geoff Krafft
CASA, JLab |
02/20/02 |
Innovative Magnet Development and Application at the National Synchrotron Light Source (slides) |
Eric Blum
Brookhaven National Lab |
02/15/02 |
Image Charge/Wakefield Undulator (slides) |
Yuhong Zhang
CASA, JLab |
02/08/02 |
MAX 1 to 4 - Present and Far Future Light Sources (slides) |
Mikael Eriksson
MAX-lab, Lund Univ., Sweden |
02/06/02 |
Neutrino Factory Studies at CERN (slides) |
Klaus Hanke
02/01/02 |
Overview of the Fundamentals of Superconductivity and Cavities - Part II (slides) |
Jean Delayen
JLab |
January |
01/25/02 |
Overview of the Fundamentals of Superconductivity and Cavities - Part I (slides) |
Jean Delayen
JLab |
01/18/02 |
Happy Lee-Jackson-King Day |
01/11/02 |
MeV Electron Beams for Detection of Explosives (slides) |
Andrei Afanasev
JLab |
01/07/02 |
Emittance Oscillations and Thermalization in High-Brightness Induction Linacs |
Bruce Carlsten
Los Alamos National Lab |