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Thursday, January 11, 2007
 3:30 PM
ARC, Room 231/233

Energy Recovery Linac Prototype  (ERLP)
Accelerator at Daresbury

Lee Jones
Daresbury Laboratory


The Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (ERLP) accelerator, currently under construction at Daresbury,
is intended to fulfill two key requirements:  Firstly, to give staff experience of commissioning and
operating advanced accelerator hardware such as photo injectors, superconducting linacs and
free-electron lasers. Secondly, to act as a test-bed for equipment and operation of the 4th-Generation
Light Source (4GLS), which has been proposed to replace the current Synchrotron Radiation Source
(SRS) at Daresbury Laboratory.

In this talk, I will outline the design of the ERLP, and then give a report on the construction status. 
I will present some preliminary results from the photo injector and cryogenic plant commissioning
and outline some key milestones for this year.  In addition, I will also give an overview of two exciting
extensions to the ERLP project.  The first of these is a high-power laser for both the generation
of X-rays and for electro-optic beam diagnostic measurements. The second is a prototype Fixed-Field
Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator, to be called EMMA, for which ERLP is to be the injector.

Talk Slides: (Slides)

For more information, please contact Dr. Alex Bogacz, Chair of CASA Seminar Committee
