The Energy Recovery Linac
Prototype (ERLP) accelerator, currently under
construction at Daresbury,
is intended to fulfill two key
requirements: Firstly, to give staff experience of commissioning
operating advanced accelerator hardware such as photo injectors,
superconducting linacs and
free-electron lasers. Secondly, to act as a
test-bed for equipment and operation of the 4th-Generation
Light Source (4GLS), which has been proposed to replace the current
Synchrotron Radiation Source
(SRS) at Daresbury Laboratory.
In this talk, I will
outline the
design of the ERLP, and then give a report on the construction
I will present some preliminary results from the photo injector and
cryogenic plant commissioning
and outline some key milestones for this
year. In addition, I will also give an overview of two exciting
extensions to the ERLP project. The first of these is a
laser for both the generation
of X-rays and for electro-optic beam
diagnostic measurements. The second is a prototype Fixed-Field
Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator, to be called EMMA, for which
ERLP is to be the injector.