Run II - From Rags to Riches"
Michael Syphers,
The first one or two years starting up Run II of the Tevatron caused much commotion and worries about the future operation of the collider. Since that time, and with heroic efforts of many, the Tevatron collider program is running at peak performance, over 350 times the original design luminosity of the Tevatron and well in line with the hopes of Run II parameters. In the talk we will try to highlight some of the issues plaguing the complex early in the run, and discuss their mitigation as well as present day optimization of integrated luminosity.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
CEBAF Center, Room F113
Talk Slides: (Slides)
For more information, please
contact Dr.
Alex Bogacz or Anne-Marie Valente.
contact casaweb@jlab.org