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SPECIAL Accelerator Seminar


"Turkish Accelerator Center Project"

Omer Yavas,
Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey





Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) Project has started with support of the State Planning Organization (SPO) of Turkey under coordination of Ankara University. SPO is the main funding agency in Turkey for big projects. After completing the Feasibility Report (FR, 2000) and the Conceptual Design Repot (CDR, 2005), the third phase of project started in 2006 as an inter university project. The third phase has two main scientific goals: to write the Technical Design Report (TDR) of the TAC and to establish an Infrared Free Electron Laser (IR FEL) facility as a first step. TAC collaboration includes ten Turkish Universities.  It is planned that the first facility will be an IR FEL facility based on 15-40 MeV superconducting electron linac and two optical cavities with 2.5 and 9 cm undulator magnets to scan 2-300 microns wavelength range. Main purpose of facility is to use IR FEL for research in material science, nonlinear optics, semiconductors, biotechnology, medicine and photochemical processes.

It is planned that Turkish Accelerator Center will include an electron-positron collider as charm factory, a synchrotron radiation facility based on 3.5 GeV positron synhrotron, a SASE FEL facility based on 1 GeV electron linac and few GeV proton accelerator facility.

In this talk, main goals and the road map of  TAC project is explained. The first facility of TAC and TDR of TAC are planned to be completed in 2012. Construction phase of TAC will cower 2013-2023.  


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
CEBAF Center, Room

Talk Slides: (Slides)

For more information, please contact Dr. Alex Bogacz or Anne-Marie Valente.
