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Accelerator Seminar


“Life After the Energy Frontier:  The Future of Fermilab”

Eric Prebys,
Fermi National Laboratory


As the highest energy collider in the world, the Tevatron has been the centerpiece of Fermilab’s physics program for more than 20 years.  This will change with the imminent startup of CERN’s LHC.  This talk will describe how the lab plans to redefine its mission in terms of the “intensity frontier,” with a program focusing on neutrino physics, precision measurements and cutting edge accelerator R & D.  An intermediate program will be presented based on re-tasking existing accelerator rings during the next decade, as will the larger goal of a program centered new high intensity proton linac, currently referred to as, “Project X.”


Thursday, September 18, 2008

3:30 pm

CEBAF Center, Room L102/L104

Coffee & Cookies before the seminar
starting at 3:00 p.m.


Talk Slides: (Slides)

For more information, please contact Dr. Alex Bogacz or Anne-Marie Valente.
