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Special Joint CASA / SRF Seminar
Sponsored by the Accelerator Division

"Accelerator Modeling Through High Performance Computing"

Zenghai Li,

Under the support of the US DOE SciDAC program, SLAC has been developing a suite of 3D parallel finite-element codes for high-accuracy and high-fidelity electromagnetic and beam modeling. Running on state of art supercomputers, these codes have had tremendous imparts on the design and optimization of ongoing accelerator projects. With the advances in applied math, computer science and parallel implementations, the availability of peta-scale supercomputers will enhance our simulation capabilities to an unprecedented level in terms of large-scale of accelerator systems and multi-scale complexity of accelerator components. The integrated modeling capabilities of electromagnetics, self-consistent Particle-In-Cell (PIC) beam simulation and multi-physics simulations that include thermal and mechanical effects will allow comprehensive design and evaluation of accelerator components and systems, which would have a significant impact on the optimization of machine performance and cost. In this talk, we will present simulation results using these parallel codes on RF modeling and HOM damping of SRF cavities, trapped mode calculations of the ILC cryomodule, 3D multipacting studies of HOM couplers, PIC simulations of the LCLS RF gun, and EM/thermal/mechanical analysis of RF cavities.

Monday, September 24, 2007
2:00 p.m.
ARC, Room 231/233


Talk Slides: (Slides)
For further info, please contact Alex Bogacz at x5784*

