Beam Physics Seminar
Sponsored by the Accelerator Division
"Current Status of Pohang Light Source and
Ongoing R & D Activities"
Jung Yun Huang Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
Pohang Light Source (PLS)
is a 2.5 GeV synchrotron radiation source having provided bright x-ray
source to more than 3,000 scientific experiments so far. For years,
there have been major upgrades of the accelerator facility to solve the
serious problems such as the local ground sinking, temperature
fluctuations in the storage ring tunnel and electronics shed, and the
distortion of the vacuum chamber depending on the stored beam current.
By upgrading the magnet power supplies to 20bit precision, the orbit
stability finally falls into few micrometer stability goal. With the
present status of the PLS, the R&D activities such as photochathode gun
development, 4th generation XFEL design study, and the efforts in the
development of more stable accelerator components will be introduced.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
3:30 p.m.
CEBAF Center, Room F113