Beam Physics Seminar
Sponsored by the Accelerator Division
"4GLS and ERLP"
Hywel Owen
Daresbury Laboratory
4GLS is a unique proposal for a multi-source synchrotron
radiation facility combining the output from three inter-related accelerator
systems. Combining a seeded soft X-ray FEL, a 100 mA energy-recovery linac,
and a low-energy infra-red FEL facility, this is a challenging and interesting
accelerator project. I will present the accelerator design of the 4GLS
facility, and also discuss ERLP, the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype accelerator
presently being commissioned at Daresbury, and which serves as a testbed for
various developments needed for 4GLS. If time permits, I will also talk
about EMMA, a novel accelerator design that will use ERLP as an injector.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
3:30 p.m.
ARC, Room 231/233