CASA Seminar

Friday, December 12, 2003, 9:30 AM
ARC Bldg. Room 231/233

Superconducting RF in the Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac - Challenges and Solutions

Matthias Liepe
Cornell University

Cornell University is exploring the potential of a Synchrotron Radiation User Facility based on a multi-GeV, low emittance, Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) with up to 100 mA beam current. To study and resolve the accelerator challenges of such a machine, Cornell University, in collaboration with Jefferson Laboratory, has proposed the construction of a 100 MeV, 100 mA cw ERL prototype. One of the main components of the ERL are the superconducting linacs in the injector and main linac. They will accelerate a beam with a parameter combination far beyond the parameter space of any s.c. cavity installation presently in operation. The resulting SRF challenges are manifold. This talk will cover these challenges and our approach to resolve them.

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