
Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators

 CASA Publications




S. Alex Bogacz
Sr. Staff Scientist

Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12050 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 704
Newport News, VA 23606
757-269-5784 (phone)
757-269-5024 (fax)

  • Ph.D., Physics, Northwestern University, Evanston, 1986
  • M.A., Physics, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1983
  • M.A., Physics, Technical University of Wroclaw, 1981
  • B.A., Physics, Technical University of Wroclaw, 1979

  • Sr. Staff Scientist, Accelerator Division, Jefferson Lab, July 1997 - Present
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics, Old Dominion University, July 2007 - Present
  • Associate Research Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of CA, Los Angeles Nov. 1994 - June 1997
  • Visiting Scholar, Muon Science Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Nov. 1996 - Apr. 1997
  • Associate Scientist, Accelerator Physics Department, Fermilab, Feb. 1989 - Oct. 1994
  • Research Associate, Accelerator Theory Department, Fermilab, Oct. 1986 - Jan. 1989

  • Charged Particle High Frequency Laser, Bogacz, et al., U.S. Patent #4,817,124, 1989

Research Highlights
  • Beam Dynamics and Lattice Design
    Study of beam transport in recirculating superconducting linacs, beam optics and lattice design for transport lines at CEBAF, development of an on-line beam optics analysis via differential orbit measurement, lattice design of a wide aperture recirculating linac muon accelerator for future neutrino factory.

  • Recirculating Linacs for Neutrino Factory
    Development of a conceptual lattice design for a 20-50 GeV muon accelerator based on recirculating SC linacs. Feasibility studies of acceleration and transport of a large phase-space of short-lived muons implemented in a proof-of-principle lattice for a recirculating linac accelerator based on 200 MHz. Appropriate lattice design choices combined with a sextupole correction to suppress chromatic effects are being explored to optimize beam transport in the proposed muon accelerator complex (straight linac and multi pass recirculating linac).

  • Novel Cooling and Acceleration Schemes, Crystal Channeling
    Concept of a crystal micronundulator based on channeling of relativistic particles through a strain modulated superlattice, E763 demonstration experiment at TRIUMF. High gradient (GeV/m) acceleration scheme based on laser pumping of a relativistic beam transversely excited by a modulated crystal channel. High gradient inverse Cherenkov acceleration-demonstration experiment at BNL.

  • Coherent Instabilities
    Analytic study of multi-bunch potential well distortion effects for a partially filled ring. Numerical simulation of the coupled bunch instability (longitudinal phase-space tracking). Nonperturbative analysis of the negative mas instability, Analytic studies of chromatic effects on the head-tail instability, Quasi-nonlinear Vlasov equation modeling of the saturation of collective instabilities and energy overshoot.

Selected Publications:
  • Betatron Motion with Coupling of Horizontal and Vertical Degrees of Freedom
    S.A. Bogacz and V.A. Lebedev
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, submitted

  • Recirculating linacs for a neutrino factory-Arc optics design and optimization
    S.A. Bogacz
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, NIMA14435 (2001)

  • Status of muon collider research and development and future plans
    C.M. Ankenbrandt, et al. (Muon Collider Collaboration
    Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 2, 081001 (1999) [View PDF (3866 kB)]

  • First observation of luminosity-driven extraction using channeling with a bent crystal
    R.A. Carrigan, Jr. et al
    Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 1, 022801 (1998) [View PDF (81 kB)]

  • A µ+µ Quantum Collider Using Novel Crystal-Based Accelerator Components
    S.A. Bogacz and D.B. Cline
    International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol 13, 14, 613 (1997)

  • Micro-bunch Diagnostics by Coherent Transition Radiation
    S.A. Bogacz, Y. Liu, D.B. Cline, X.J. Wang
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 386, 295 (1997)

Complete list of publications

Professional Activities:
  • Member of American Physical Society
  • Member of Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration
  • Frequent referee for Phys. Rev. E and Phys. Rev. Lett.