Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators
Directors Corner
Welcome to the web pages for the Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators (CASA) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Jefferson Laboratory for short. In mid-2001, CASA was created in order to provide an organization focusing on developing, investigating, and publicizing advanced work in accelerator and beam physics performed both at Jefferson Laboratory, and in collaborations which Jefferson Laboratory staff have played a role. A main goal of this site is to provide you, the external visitor, a way to access information about our work through our publications, our project information pages, our prepared talks and seminars, and finally through our member information pages. Please feel free to access and utilize any information posted.
We have tried to make this site as useful to you as possible, and I encourage you to make comments and suggestions back to myself, and to other appropriate CASA members; we have made e-mail contact information readily available throughout the site.
A general comment on the information displayed is appropriate. As stated in our publications policy (link to pubs page), any information directly available to you has gone through a review process by mid to senior level staff at the laboratory, and more extensive review in some cases (e.g. for journal articles). As such, we believe that the largest share of the information posted is highly reliable.
However, we also know that on occasion, distributing unreviewed internal technical talks and/or documents is desirable. Therefore, we have provided external lists of available internal documents. The way to obtain such unreviewed information is to contact any author through the links provided and the information will be released with their permission. Of course, CASA does not make the same claims about the reliability of the information so obtained; the transaction is mainly between the requester and author.
In either of the above cases, I would like to be personally informed of cases where it is suspected that incorrect calculations, results, or conclusions are being distributed. Such feedback is needed to improve the effectiveness of our site.
Thank-you for your interest in CASA and enjoy your visit.