Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Newport News, Virginia, USA, is an internationally recognized laboratory engaged in fundamental scientific research in nuclear and particle physics based on the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF). The laboratory is operated for the US Department of Energy under management of the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA). In addition to operating CEBAF, the laboratory also operates a Free Electron Laser (FEL) facility. As a result of its core strength and competency in RF superconductivity, the laboratory is a major partner in many national and international projects such as the SNS, CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade, RIA, and TESLA.

In addition to the operating facilities and projects, the laboratory embodies its key theoretical and experimental expertise in particle and light beams and rf superconductivity in two centers of excellence: the Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators and the Institute for SRF Science and technology, with associated computer and laboratory facilities. The laboratory also has a highly specialized world-class particle source/injector group.

In order to further enhance its core competencies in the physics and technology of accelerators, lasers, particle beams, and synchrotron radiation, the Accelerator Division at Jefferson Lab is sponsoring a Graduate Fellowship program to support doctoral students doing research in accelerator science and technology related to Jefferson Lab areas of interest and expertise.


This Graduate Fellowship Program has been initiated to encourage graduate students to conduct their doctoral research at Jefferson Lab. The graduate students will benefit form interaction with Jefferson Lab’s scientists and access to the lab’s research and experimental facilities. Jefferson Lab will benefit from increased interaction with academic institutions and faculties.

The active involvement of the student’s academic advisor in research conducted at Jefferson Lab is strongly encouraged and support may be available.


This program is open to all outstanding graduate students who are enrolled in a doctoral program, have completed their basic requirements, and intend to conduct their doctoral research in areas of accelerator science and technology relevant to Jefferson Lab’s program.

Number of Fellowships

There is no preset number of students that will be supported under this program. Award will be made subject to available funding to outstanding students that have shown promise as future accelerator scientists.


Jefferson Lab will generally provide support equivalent to a full GSRA in the student’s graduate department and a travel allowance to attend scientific meetings. In exceptional circumstances support for tuition may also be provided. Support for the advisor to conduct research at Jefferson Lab may also be available.

Terms of appointments

There is no preset limit to the duration of support under this program. Support will be reviewed annually and its continuation will be dependent on demonstration of continuing progress in the research.

Areas of research and thesis subjects

While the graduate student will finalize his/her thesis subject with the academic advisor and a Jefferson Lab advisor it is expected that the research will fall within the areas of interest and expertise at Jefferson Lab.


All interested applicants are encouraged to contact Drs. Jean Delayen ( or Swapan Chattopadhyay ( for further information.

The application will include a curriculum vitae, an official academic transcript, a minimum of three letters of references from individuals who are familiar with the student’s academic record, and a detailed research proposal.

Selection Process and Criteria

There is no fixed number to awards and no deadline for the applications. A committee of Jefferson Lab scientists will review the applications as they are submitted and awards will be made on a continuing basis.

The selection criteria that will be used include: