Effect of gain on the optical mode structure of FELs

It is usually believed that a stable resonator cavity is needed for low gain systems such as FELs. This leads to problems in high power systems because the mode size at the mirrors is small. Recent calculations indicate that an arbitrarily small gain added to an unstable resonator system creates at least one real eigenmode and stabilizes the system. Further theoretical and experimental investigations are needed to assess the limits of this approach and its potential advantages for high power FELs.

Thompson X-ray production and diagnostics

The Jefferson Lab FEL beam produces Thompson X-rays in the 5 to 250 keV range by scattering the light off subsequent electron pulses. Development of a beamline for these X-rays would allow t heir use to study materials in conjunction with the IR pulses of the FEL.

High brightness injector development

The future of both high power FELs and of Energy Recovering Linacs is dependent on the technological developments in the injector area. Injectors with high average current, and low emittance and energy spread, are needed for both these applications. Development of high-performance injectors will require to properly model the electron beam, including space charge effects, in order to perform a system optimization, and then to experimentally verify the performance of the design.

Effect of optical mode quality on the gain of an FEL

Ideally the optical mode in a free-electron laser is a lowest order gaussian mode characterized by its Rayleigh range and waist position. Oddly, there is still no good theory for the dependence of the saturated gain on even the Rayleigh range or waist position. A realistic resonator will also have aberrations that increase as mirrors become thermally loaded. We do not know what affect these aberrations have on the optical mode. For a high gain laser the effect must be calculated self-consistently since the gain medium affects the mode as well. It is interesting that this most basic dependence of a free-electron laser is still unknown.

Efficiency enhancement in FELs

Many schemes have been proposed to enhance the efficiency of the free-electron laser. One can use linear of step tapers in the wiggler, Modified optical modes, or short optical pulses. Though many simulations have been done for each of these schemes one cannot say that any of them are understood. The dependence of the efficiency enhancement on even simple factors such as resonator losses and gain has not been worked out. Understanding these schemes would allow one to optimize the design of a FEL using rational planning rather than the random walk now used.