PITMinutes 03-16-2015

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Revision as of 13:33, 16 March 2015 by Krafft (Talk | contribs)

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R. Bachimanchi, J. Benesch, S. Cooper, J. Creel, E. Daly, M. Drury, K. Davis, C. Hovater, A. Freyberger, R. Geng, L. King, G. Krafft, F. Marhauser, R. Michaud, R. Norton, C. Mounts, T. Plawski, J. Preble, C. Reece, R. Rimmer, T. Powers, S. Suhring, H. Wang, H. Zhang

Agenda and Notes

  1. Operations Status and Summary
  2. PIT Docuemnts
  3. C50 (Marhauser)
  • bullet example
    • level 2 two bullet example
  1. another WikiPage example
  2. CASA Website

Documents and Presentations

Action Items

  1. Action Item 1 (Lead)
  2. Action Item 2 (Lead)