PITMinutes 08-13-2018

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Revision as of 12:51, 13 August 2018 by Krafft (Talk | contribs) (Agenda and Notes)

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R. Bachimanchi, K. Baggett, M. Drury, A. Freyberger, R. Geng, C. Hovater, G. Krafft, A. Kimber, R. Legg, C. Mounts, R. Nelson, T. Plawski, T. Powers, C. Reece, T. Reilly, and A. Solopova.

Agenda and Notes

1. Operations Status and Summary/Review (Freyberger)

During SAD two FEL modules being moved into NL07 and NL23 (a C100 is being removed). This first C100 cryomodule will be used as a feeder for the C100 refurbishment program. More on this below.

Current limits from previous minutes largely solved, if not completely understood, by injector tuning elliminating beam haloes. Bunch length changes were effective in mitigating problem. Process Reza used could be incompatible with high quality parity measurements.

Some questions about HOM loads as installed in CEBAF. P1 FEL configuration for all cavities after installation back in CEBAF.

2. Workshop on Particulates (Geng)

Workshop Programs

3. CEBAF Turnon Status (Solopova)

C100 Status at Turnon

4. C100 Refurbishment Planning (Krafft, Reilly)

C100 System Improvement Discussion

Items Request Email

C100 Refurbishment Brainstorming List

Tony's C100 Refurbishment Brainstorming ppt

5. NEGS for C75? (Ciovati, Reilly)

Waveguide Faults Summary

Answer to question: Yes!

Action Items

Leadership of quenches. Offline discussion.

Complete C75 Module Specifications (Marhauser, Benesch, Krafft)

C100 Refurbishment Project for the future?