PITMinutes 08-01-2016

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R. Bachimanchi, E. Daly, K. Davis, C. Hovater, A. Hutton, G. Krafft, A. Kimber, C. Mounts, R. Nelson, T. Plawski, T. Powers, T. Reilly, C. Reece, H. Wang

Agenda and Notes

1. Operations Status and Summary

Enhanced Radiation monitoring in 1L26 (e-log benesch) systematic measurements started

Powers Strike Movie of Module Oscillation

thumper measurment?

2. C50-12 Warm Girder Studies

Collectect 60 samples from inside warm girders. Sucured and will be analysis gross fine size and element analysis

module tomorrow lift out and deliver to SRF

3. C75 (Gigi/Bob Report Next Week)

Mock-up tested this week. First look at HOM Qs and Q vs. E

Complete Efforts for 2 prototypes.

C75 or C50 next year?

4. Follow up Field emission Workshop (Geng)

Tentative Date September 12. Whole afternoon Subscribed. This room.

Tentative Agenda

Action Items