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[https://casa.jlab.org/LINACPIT/Optimal_Qext.pptx Presentation on Optimal Qext]
[https://casa.jlab.org/LINACPIT/Optimal_Qext.pptx Presentation on Optimal Qext]
[https://casa.jlab.org/LINACPIT/ced_20feb2018.txt CED All Qs list]
[https://casa.jlab.org/LINACPIT/ced_20feb2018.txt CED All Qs list]

Revision as of 10:29, 26 February 2018


R. Bachimanchi, K. Baggett, J. Benesch, A. Freyberger, R. Geng, G. Krafft, A. Kimber, R. Legg, F. Marhauser, R. Nelson, T. Plawski, R. Rimmer, and H. Wang.

Agenda and Notes

1. Operations Status and Summary/Review (Freyberger)

Four Hall Ops has started. Beam current has been up to about 300 muA total in both linacs. RF not entirely stable yet, but no indication of BBU instability yet. Keeping my fingers crossed.

We've had beam loss and lots of separator tuning. Haven't seen clear hot spots. 5 RF trips/hr and 5 MPS trips/hr. Fluctuating RF?

Because no hot spots observed, will be increasing current soon.

Practice session will be held this Friday, Feb. 9 in this room.

2. Beam Loading and Q_ext (Krafft)

Jay has gathered some data that indicates that perhaps the Q_ext on many cavities is incorrect. This means the RF systems are not matched to the cavities at the highest operating currents, leading to addition power loads on the klystrons. Could this be a contributor to the average current limits?

Presentation on Optimal Qext

CED All Qs list

3. Draft Cryomodule Specification (Benesch)

Jay has written up a set of goals for the cryomodules: Draft Cryomodule Specification

4. Draft Acceptance Criteria (Legg)

Bob shared the LCLS II module acceptance criteria that the LCLS II project is working under. We should perhaps adopt something similar for C75? (Discuss Pros and Cons)

LCLS II Module Acceptance Criteria

Frank and Gigi (mainly) have written up a C75 performance specification document.

JLAB-TN-17-055: Draft C75 Specification Document

Action Items

Leadership of quenches. Offline discussion.

Complete C75 Module Specifications (Marhauser, Benesch, Krafft)

C100 Refurbishment Project for the future?