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(New page: __NOTOC__ = Oct 6 2017 JLEIC Ion Integration Meeting = == Near Term Action Items == * By Tue Oct 3 ** '''Identify''' and '''prioritize''' remaining work...)
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= Oct 6 2017 [[JLEIC-Ion-Integration-Meetings|JLEIC Ion Integration Meeting]] =
=Nov 16 2017 [[JLEIC-Ion-Integration-Meetings|JLEIC Ion Bunch Formation Meeting]] =
== Near Term Action Items ==
* Todd, Yuhong, Jiquan, Ed, Randy (Vasiliy)
* By Tue Oct 3
** '''Identify''' and '''prioritize''' remaining work needed on accelerator segments to deliver relevant consistent pCDR draft sections by '''April/May 2018'''
** Have input from
*** Vasiliy ([http://www.toddsatogata.net/JLEIC/2017-10-06/Ion_collider_ring_to_do_list_22sep17.pdf ion collider ring])
*** Fanglei ([http://www.toddsatogata.net/JLEIC/2017-10-06/2017Sep29_electron_collider_ring_to_do_list.pptx.pdf electron collider ring]; [https://jlabsvn.jlab.org/svnroot/jleic/ELECTRONRING/ short FODO lattice] in [https://jlabsvn.jlab.org/svnroot/jleic/ JLEIC svn repository]!)
*** Ed ([http://www.toddsatogata.net/JLEIC/2017-10-06/2017-10-06-Booster.pdf ion booster])
*** Amy ([http://www.toddsatogata.net/JLEIC/2017-10-06/2017-10-06-IonSources.pdf ion sources])
** Have requested input from Steve (cooler) and Brahim (linac); will continue arm-twisting at collaboration meeting.
** Identify transport line owners; will likely be Yves (electron) and Todd (ion) at present
* By Tue Oct 31
== Objectives ==
** Draft initial machine segment documentation
* Summarize existing baseline bunch formation scheme
** Includes upload of relevant (even draft) best present accelerator segment lattice files to svn
* Identify any concerns with existing baseline bunch formation scheme
*** Document should be consistent with, and include references to, svn lattice file version(s)
* Develop short-term plans to address any concerns
** Zip file of "template" (Todd's Booster tech note) located [http://www.toddsatogata.net/JLEIC/JleicAcceleratorSegmentTemplate.zip here]
* Document baseline bunch formation scheme (for TDR and Randy's dissertation)
** Iterations, if needed, at Fri Oct 20 integration/pCDR meeting
== pCDR Accelerator Segment Needs ==
== Current baseline ==
* Polarized Ion Source (Amy)
* As Todd understands it :) ([https://indico.bnl.gov/getFile.py/access?contribId=4&sessionId=1&resId=1&materialId=slides&confId=3492 Todd Oct 10 collaboration meeting talk, slide 12])
* Heavy Ion Source (Amy)
** All energies are Kinetic!
* Ion RFQs/Linac (Brahim)
** All injection space charge limits are set to 0.15
* Linac to Booster Transfer Line (?)
* Linac ([https://indico.bnl.gov/getFile.py/access?contribId=5&sessionId=1&resId=1&materialId=slides&confId=3492 Brahim Oct 10 collaboration meeting talk])
* Ion Booster (Ed/Todd)
** 200 MHz microbunching structure from linac, up to 10 Hz
* Booster to Collider Transfer Line (?)
** H-: 280 MeV
* Ion Collider Ring (Vasiliy)
*** 2 mA, 0.5 ms, 1 uC (6.24e12)/pulse
** [[Media:Ion_collider_ring_to_do_list_22sep17.ppt‎ | Ion_collider_ring_to_do_list_22sep17.ppt‎]]
*** 90% norm emit (2.3 pi-mm-mrad, 8.8 pi-ns-keV)
* CEBAF (Jiquan)
*** rms sigmaE/E 1.0e-4 (or lower, scaled)
* CEBAF to Collider Transfer Line (Yves)
** Pb67+: 100 MeV/u
* Electron Collider Ring (Fanglei)
*** 0.5 mA, 0.5 ms, 0.25 uC (2.33e10)/pulse
* Low Energy Cooler (Yuhong)
*** 90% norm emit (0.8 pi-mm-mrad, 4.6 pi-ns-keV/u)
* High Energy Cooler (Steve)
*** rms sigmaE/E 0.8e-4 (or lower, scaled)
*** Pb30+ to Pb67+ stripping at 13 MeV/u
== pCDR Accelerator Segment items from Engineering (Tim) ==
* Booster (Ed, Todd)
* Ion Sources and Linac
** 280m circumference ('''Probably will go up''')
** Status: Limited to basic element list and cost information from Jan, 2015. Basic origin defined.
** Dispersive injection ('''Probably will shift to non-dispersive injection''')
** Would like to get models of elements to develop basic CAD layout in NX.
** h=1 capture, acceleration, compression, and extraction
** Space and tunnel/vault sizing
** h=1 bunch rotation to match collider bucket for bucket to bucket transfer
** Summarize power requirements and cooling needs – parameterization.
** p: 280 to 7061 MeV (1218 to 8000 MeV total E)
* Linac to Booster Transfer Line
*** H- to p charge exchange injection, 350 turns, coasting beam
** Status: Undefined.  
** Pb67+: 100 to 1792 MeV/u (1031 to 2723 MeV/u total E/u)
** Get lattice file
*** Cooling pulsed injection, several pulses, coasting beam
** Develop layout
*** Strip to Pb82+ in transfer line
** Define start point and connection point to Ion Booster Ring
* Collider (Vasiliy, Randy)
** Size and layout of tunnel to connect Ion LINAC tunnel/vault to Ion Booster Tunnel
** 2153m circumference
** Diagnostics???
** Bucket to bucket fast kicker injection
** Other parameterization???
** h=28 capture, acceleration
* Ion Booster
** RF 2<sup>7</sup> adiabatic bunch splitting at top energy, h=28 to h=2*2<sup>7</sup>=3584
** Status: Origin defined. Based on TAMU 1.2m model dipole.
** Bunch compression to 1-1.2cm design bunch length
** Development of tunnel
** Barrier bucket, RF shifting as needed to adjust harmonic number (3580-3588)
** Transition transfer lines in and out
** p: 7.061 to 100 GeV (8 to 100.938 GeV total E)
** Kicker
** Pb82+: 1.792 to 40 GeV (2.723 to 40.931 GeV total E)
** Diagnostics???
** DC cooling at injection, ERL cooling at top energy
** Abort/dump system???
** Other parameterization???
* Booster to Collider Transfer Line
** Undefined.
* Ion Collider Ring
** Status: Origin defined – at IP. Basic tunnel layout complete – need to update with overall SF magnet model.
** Updated lattice file and layout – look at % filled.
** Resize tunnel to accommodate RF Cavity spacing from floor/wall
** Feasibility / sizing of SF magnets (11.4m model of dual 4m dipole/quad combo in a single cryostat)
** Diagnostics???
** Abort/dump system???
** Other parameterization???
** RF HPA system basic model/layout – basic assessment of routing waveguides from surface to tunnel
** Status: Origin of CEBAF is the Origin of all JLEIC Site Layout
** Need to assess CEBAF Reliability/Availability and its impact on JLEIC Reliability/Availability
** Need definition of operational scenario, time to fill ECR, top off rate, etc.
* CEBAF to Collider Transfer Line
** Status: Very old and outdated lattice file from Yves based on PEP-II LER Dipoles – note that it does not line up with position of the Electron Collider Ring as it sits now
** Get updated lattice file
** Develop layout
** Based off CEBAF Origin – needs start point and connection point to Electron Collider Ring – how does it enter Electron Collider Ring (ideally from above, but latest thought is from below so as not to affect Electron Collider Ring to Ion Collider Ring stacked spacing)
** Size and layout of tunnel to connect CEBAF to Collider Tunnel
** Diagnostics???
** Other parameterization???
* Electron Collider Ring
** Status: Origin defined – IP. Basic tunnel layout complete. Model of PEP-II RF Cavity ready for updated lattice. Assessment of “Moving Magnets” for synchronization done – can be adapted to new lattice and magnets. Vacuum elements are PEP-II style.
** Updated lattice file and layout – look at % fill (or free space for additional, not yet defined items)
** Resize tunnel to accommodate PEP-II RF Cavity spacing from floor/wall
** Add synchronization chicanes to layout
** Feasibility / sizing of new magnets
** Diagnostics???
** Abort/dump system???
** Other parameterization???
** RF HPA system basic model/layout – basic assessment of routing waveguides from surface to tunnel
* Low Energy Cooler
* High Energy Cooler
* Interaction Region
** Status: Region layout. 1st cut at IR FFQs and SD magnets – need to assess and iterate. Current model of IR beam pipe – ready for Impedance modeling. Magnet coils modeled.
** Iterate on magnet models
** Look at additional magnets for details – skew quads, correctors, anti-solenoids
** Baseline definition for supports, cryostats, etc.
** Magnet interactions
* Engineering Topics
** Superferric Magnets
** Normal Magnets
** SRF
** Crab Cavities
** Normal Conducting RF
** Feedback systems
** Diagnostics
** Controls

Latest revision as of 10:09, 16 November 2017

Nov 16 2017 JLEIC Ion Bunch Formation Meeting

  • Todd, Yuhong, Jiquan, Ed, Randy (Vasiliy)


  • Summarize existing baseline bunch formation scheme
  • Identify any concerns with existing baseline bunch formation scheme
  • Develop short-term plans to address any concerns
  • Document baseline bunch formation scheme (for TDR and Randy's dissertation)

Current baseline

  • As Todd understands it :) (Todd Oct 10 collaboration meeting talk, slide 12)
    • All energies are Kinetic!
    • All injection space charge limits are set to 0.15
  • Linac (Brahim Oct 10 collaboration meeting talk)
    • 200 MHz microbunching structure from linac, up to 10 Hz
    • H-: 280 MeV
      • 2 mA, 0.5 ms, 1 uC (6.24e12)/pulse
      • 90% norm emit (2.3 pi-mm-mrad, 8.8 pi-ns-keV)
      • rms sigmaE/E 1.0e-4 (or lower, scaled)
    • Pb67+: 100 MeV/u
      • 0.5 mA, 0.5 ms, 0.25 uC (2.33e10)/pulse
      • 90% norm emit (0.8 pi-mm-mrad, 4.6 pi-ns-keV/u)
      • rms sigmaE/E 0.8e-4 (or lower, scaled)
      • Pb30+ to Pb67+ stripping at 13 MeV/u
  • Booster (Ed, Todd)
    • 280m circumference (Probably will go up)
    • Dispersive injection (Probably will shift to non-dispersive injection)
    • h=1 capture, acceleration, compression, and extraction
    • h=1 bunch rotation to match collider bucket for bucket to bucket transfer
    • p: 280 to 7061 MeV (1218 to 8000 MeV total E)
      • H- to p charge exchange injection, 350 turns, coasting beam
    • Pb67+: 100 to 1792 MeV/u (1031 to 2723 MeV/u total E/u)
      • Cooling pulsed injection, several pulses, coasting beam
      • Strip to Pb82+ in transfer line
  • Collider (Vasiliy, Randy)
    • 2153m circumference
    • Bucket to bucket fast kicker injection
    • h=28 capture, acceleration
    • RF 27 adiabatic bunch splitting at top energy, h=28 to h=2*27=3584
    • Bunch compression to 1-1.2cm design bunch length
    • Barrier bucket, RF shifting as needed to adjust harmonic number (3580-3588)
    • p: 7.061 to 100 GeV (8 to 100.938 GeV total E)
    • Pb82+: 1.792 to 40 GeV (2.723 to 40.931 GeV total E)
    • DC cooling at injection, ERL cooling at top energy