Cornell is developing a 100 mA average current high brightness electron
injector for an ERL-based synchrotron light source. The source employs
a high voltage DC photoemission electron gun and a five cavity SRF
cryomodule to reach 5 to 15 MeV beam energy. Demonstration of very
small emittances is a key issue. At the present time, the gun is assembled
to a diagnostic beam line and high power dump, a 1300 MHz laser is in
development, and the first SRF cavity has been through a vertical test.
Unique RF power couplers, HOM loads, and a high power klystron are
in advanced stages of development. In parallel with the injector
development, planning for a full scale ERL light source is underway.
The current project status and plans will be reviewed in this seminar.
Talk Slides: (Slides)