Joint CASA/SRF Institute Seminar
A technique used to perform electromagnetic, thermal and structural analyses of RF cavities using a single ANSYS model will be presented. The method has been applied to the design of the first cell of the photoinjector for the LBNL LUX project, a femtosecond-regime X-ray source. The photoinjector is a room-temperature 1.3 GHz 4 cell structure capable of producing a 10 MeV electron bunch at a 10 kHz rate. The first cell is of reentrant geometry, with a peak field of 64 MV/m at the photocathode surface. The high repetition rate and high peak power results in a high average surface power density. Step-by-step details of the analysis methodology will be presented including description of the ANSYS macro that computes heat loads from the RF solution and applies them directly to the thermal model. A procedure to calculate the frequency shift due to thermal and structural distortion of the cavity will be discussed as well.
Talk Slides: