Beam Physics Seminar
The radiation source ELBE at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf is based on a superconducting
linac that produces a cw electron beam up to 40 MeV @ 1 mA. The linac will be used to
drive free-electron lasers producing infrared light in the 5-150 micron wavelength region.
Additionally, from several conversion targets MeV-bremsstrahlung, X-rays from electron
channeling, neutron and even positron beams will be available. The Bremsstrahlung facility
and the X-ray production target began user operation in 2003. First operation of a free
electron laser is planned for May 2004. The talk gives a short overview about the machine,
the scientific program, some developments in electron beam diagnostics and the status of
the SRF gun project in Rossendorf.
Talk Slides: