Beam Physics Seminar

Friday, March 26, 2004, 9:30 AM
ARC Bldg. Room 231/233

Time Characteristics of the Beam for CLAS Experiments

Hovannes Egiyan
Hall B/Physics, JLab

One of the main physics programs of the CLAS collaboration is the study of nucleon resonances by detecting multi-particle final states. The continuous beam of CEBAF allows for coincidence measurements with negligible amount of accidental background. But these experiments also require ability to identify different particles using the time-of-flight technique with time resolution better than 300psec. The two-nanosecond structure of the CEBAF beam is utilized to perform the calibration of the charged particle identification in CLAS. An EPICS application was developed for on-line monitoring of the time characteristics of the beam in Hall B. It allows for determination of different frequency components of the beam current in the range from 1MHz to 14GHz.

Talk Slides: (slides)