Beam Physics Seminar
A distributed client-server model, based on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), has been established to interface beam dynamics applications at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) to essential software packages such as the accelerator physics package TRACY and the Common DEVice (CDEV) control library. Within this model remote clients can invoke computer intensive methods, such as beam orbit correction procedures, on a dedicated server. Access to the SLS accelerator devices is achieved through a generic C++ CDEV server. CORBA based applications have been extensively used during the commissioning of the SLS booster and storage ring. A subset of these applications with the "orbit feedback" as a prominent example is vital for the user operation of the SLS. It has been demonstrated that the complex client-server environment is manageable and reliable. The inherent flexibility and the relative ``ease of use'' of the established framework have justified the initial investment in its design and implementation.
Talk Slides: PDF
(Coffee before the seminar starting 9:30 AM)