Beam Physics Seminar

Friday, May 24, 2002, 2:00 PM
ARC 231/233

Beam Diagnostic with Coherent Transition Radiation for High-Brightness Racetrack Microtron Injector

Alexander Chepurnov
INP, Moscow State University

The RaceTrack Microtron which is under construction in our Institute is sponsored by "World Physics Technologies". The accelerator will produce electron beams with energies up to 35 MeV, ~5 mm.mrad normalized emittance, bunch charge in excess of 150 pC, and rates up to 150 Hz. Its 5 MeV injector consists of a 1.6 MeV Radio-Frequency laser stimulated photocathode electron gun and a 3.4 MeV linac. The injector is ready and under operation now whereas recirculator is under commissioning. To measure a length of the output electron bunches the experimental program of investigation of coherent transition radiation spectrum has been started in addition to standard optical transition radiation technique which is in use during last few years. Coherent transition radiation have been observed. The results of measurements of polar pattern of transition radiation will be presented together with description of experimental setup. Construction of spectrometer in millimeter range of wavelength will be discussed.

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