CASA Seminar

Friday, March 15, 2002
10:00 AM
ARC Bldg. Room 231/233
!!!Note different time!!!

The PEP-II B-Factory - Performance and Accelerator Physics

Uli Wienands

The PEP-II B-Factory has completed over two years of physics running. During this time its luminosity has reached a peak of 4.5 1033 cm-2 s-1, and over 70 fb-1 have been delivered to the BaBar detector, significantly exceeding the CDR projections. Issues presently limiting luminosity will be discussed, including HOM heating at certain beam-pipe locations and electron-cloud effects. Other studies we undertook include determination of the beam-beam tune shift and the resulting Landau damping by beam-transfer function measurements; optical-function measurement (including for the 90° cells in the LER), and Touschek-lifetime measurements of the positron beam in the LER. The presentation will conclude with a review of possible upgrade scenarios.

Talk Slides: PDF

(Coffee & Cookies before the seminar starting 9:30 AM)