Beam Physics Seminar
Since its inception, the National Synchrotron Light Source has been a center
for the development of new magnets for the production of synchrotron radiation.
Following a brief description of the NSLS facility, three innovative magnets
will be discussed: a permanent magnet assisted, electromagnet sextupole, a
superconducting wiggler magnet, and an extremely short-period, small-gap undulator.
The sextupole, developed to enhance the performance of the low-emittance
lattice4 in the NSLS X-Ray Storage Ring, uses rare earth - transition metal
magnets to reduce the field in the iron yoke of the sextupole, thereby decreasing
saturation of the iron and increasing the pole tip field by 20% at the maximum
current. The superconducting wiggler, designed to produce hard x-rays in the
2.8 GeV X-Ray Ring, has three modes of operation: 11 poles at 3.3 T, 5 poles
at 4.7 T, and 1 pole at 5.5 T (with, in each case, an additional half-strength
pole at each end). Finally, the undulator was designed to produce x-rays with
a spectrum from 1.76 – 20 KeV from the 2.8 GeV electron beam. The undulator is
a hybrid structure, using vanadium permandur poles and NdFeB permanent magnets.
It has a 12.5 mm period and operates in the accelerator vacuum with a minimum
gap of only 2 mm. It is the latest in a series of small-gap undulators developed
at the NSLS to produce hard x-rays from a relatively low-energy electron storage
Talk Slides:
(Coffee & Cookies before the seminar starting 10:00 AM)