Interest in the subject of recirculating electron accelerators is rising
because of the advantages of such accelerator beams in a wide variety of
potential applications. Examples of applications include high energy
nuclear physics accelerators, high average power free electron lasers,
electron ion colliding beam accelerators, and the subject of this workshop,
recirculating linac driven synchrotron light sources. Examples of potential
advantages of such accelerators compared to conventional linacs or storage
rings are: superior beam emittances both longitudinal and transverse,
the ability to manipulate the bunch length of the beam into the 100 fsec
regime, and because of the development in superconducting cavities for
accelerators, the ability to transfer energy into and out of the accelerator
beam very efficiently. Partly because of this interest, Jefferson Lab
recently sponsored a course on the subject of recirculating electron
accelerators. In this review talk, the authors will present a condensed
summary of the course lectures, paying particular attention to the phenomena
that are likely to limit the performance of such accelerators in the future
Talk Slides:
(Coffee & Cookies before the seminar starting 10:00 am)