Beam Physics Seminar
Arcing at the cold ceramic RF window was first recognized as a
major limitation on CEBAF performance in 1994. Repetitive arcing
at the ceramic is due to charge/discharge cycles driven by field
emission in the cavities. Statistical analysis of the fault
dependence on gradient using the Fowler-Nordheim and exponential
models of field emission has been developed. The analysis method
and results of the analysis of faults recorded through January 2001
will be presented. 212 of the 320 linac cavities installed have
sufficient fault data for field emission models. These models are
input to the code used to set the gradient of each cavity in the
linacs for minimum total arc rate. The modeling effort is second
only to helium processing in its contribution to improved CEBAF
accelerator availability for physics.
Publication: CASA Tech Note 01011